Tool Name Loom
Where to find it
Purpose Sharing instructions via video
Cost FREE (no way!)
How often do we use it? Multiple times per day/week
Similar products  Snagit


At GoTeam we are early adopters of technology and when we road test new tech that is useful to our clients and others that work with remote or or virtual team, well, we love to share it.

We recently came across Loom  .

What is Loom?

Loom is a video screen capture tool that stores your video directly to the cloud and makes the share of the video extremely simple, especially for those who use gmail.

Why use Loom? The Benefits:

  1. Fastest way to record and share instructions via video
  2. Does not require you to wait for video to render on a local machine and upload.
  3. It’s free…crazy!

Loom’s tag line “Faster than typing” is a great line and one we agree with.

Do remember that this is a simple one way communication. As it does not close the loop on communication, be prepared for your team member to ask you questions.

In time your team member will get to know your instruction style and you will become more specific and articulate in the way to communicate to obtain a results.

PRO TIP: If a team member is not understanding your instructions, take a breathe and a step back and exam whether you are articulating your requirements in a way that others can actually follow. It is easy to miss detail steps when a task is second nature to you.

PRO TIP: Loom can be used for communicating with customers too.


Perhaps the fastest way to communicate instruction via video.

If you like this tip, be sure to share it with other that will benefit too.

If you like this article, be sure to subscribe to our “Top 10 Tools and regular tips on working with a Virtual Assistant”

GoTeam PH Jobs

About GoTeam (formerly Go Virtual Assistants)

GoTeam, formerly GO Virtual Assistants (GO-VA) Inc. is a registered Australian-Filipino owned company growing in the heart of Cebu City, as well as a growing number of key cities in the Philippines.

Our HQ is situated in an IT complex with modern facilities, although since March 2020, more than 70% of our team members have been working from home.

Our enhanced operations and streamlined services provide scalable opportunities that spell sustainability, growth, and success for any business venture. As your global team members, GoTeam’s goal is to create winnable games and strategies across all the work that we do, knowing that your success is our long-term fulfillment.

We help Australian, NZ, US, and UK businesses increase revenue, reduce costs, and scale through outsourced offshoring. This also creates for us the opportunity to be a catalyst for people to exceed.

AU (+61) 2 7227 8809
US (+1) 302 207 2767
PH (+63) 32 238 7448
9th Flr, i1 Bldg, Jose Ma. del Mar St, IT Park,
Cebu City, Philippines 6000

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