6 Steps to Creating a Successful Offshore Team in the Philippines

1. Use your “Whys” as a guide.

2. Set quantifiable objectives.

3. Promote clear communication and team participation.

4. Strive for seamless combination of cultures. 

5. Putting time into it.

6. Partner with the right people.

Creating a Successful Offshore Team in the Philippine - GoTeam

If you want to develop a successful offshore team, you need team members who share your company’s vision.  

It is no secret that outsourcing to the Philippines has proven to be among the wisest decisions a company in search of offshore staffing solutions has ever done. Many businesses have found success in creating a thriving team in this tropical paradise, thanks to exceptional staff, the best pricing, and just a few cultural obstacles. 

Setting Up Your Philippine Offshore Team

While assembling a team in the Philippines is simple, success needs careful planning, in-depth research, and a few shrewd moves. Now, here are some advice that you should keep in mind if you’re trying to form an offshore team in the Philippines for the first time:

1. Use your "Whys" as a guide.

Define offshore. Your goals should be clearly stated in an outline that you create.  

Will you save money? Analyze it in as much detail as possible. What areas of your company do you wish to save costs in, and where do you wish to allocate these savings? Would you like to expand your team? What operations and tasks are you looking to outsource?  

There are many factors to consider when moving your company offshore, but when making important decisions, always refer to your primary goals. 

2. Set quantifiable objectives.

Make sure they are measurable and reachable now that your aim is clear. What are the indications that you are on track to establish a new 24/7 service channel by utilizing Filipino talent? Do you have a preferred launch date in mind? Decide on some “SMART” (specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-based) goals or objectives.  
Establish a few key performance indicators and keep an eye on them. Depending on the deliverables, it may be weekly, monthly, or yearly. By doing so, you may determine if you are on pace to achieve your goals or if you need to adjust. Keep in mind that setting goals without taking actual, quantifiable action is just fantasizing. 

3. Promote clear communication and team participation.

Inform your onshore team of the reasons for and advantages of outsourcing portions of your company’s operations, as well as their part in the decision. If the onshore team does not understand why certain aspects of the business are being shifted offshore, they may feel threatened.  

Participation from the members is also crucial. Give someone the responsibility of project leadership, milestone tracking, or onboarding support. No one will feel left out in the cold this way. 
Bridging cultural divides is another factor that is usually overlooked when merging onshore and offshore personnel. It is critical to integrate your offshore crew into your onshore team because they are an extension of each other and share a shared objective. By conducting research and establishing internal campaigns to convey facts about Filipino culture and people, as well as how to connect with them successfully, you can handle cultural obstacles. Both onshore and offshore teams must understand that their tasks complement, rather than compete with one another. 

4. Strive for seamless combination of cultures.

A team’s success depends on the company’s culture. It is more than just a list of principles; it is something you actively pursue. Your staff working remotely should sense it. Yet for this to work, you need to be aware of how your culture fits into that of the Philippines. If you can identify the similarities between your company’s values and their own personal values, your values will mean more to them.  

For Filipinos who were raised to pursue adequate education and are anticipated to have a secure career to support their family, family is paramount. It’s a good idea to get a second opinion before you commit to anything.  They are often cheery folks with a positive outlook even in the direst situations. Filipinos enjoy celebrating as well. The entire year is filled with numerous festivities. In the Philippines, Christmas begins in September because people value spending time with friends, family, and loved ones. 

5. Putting time into it.

The Philippines’ most successful businesses invest in their employees’ time. It means that they invest time in training and developing their team, keeping tabs on them through regular stand-up meetings, staying in constant contact with them, and treating them as if they were a member of the onshore team. By doing so, you may understand more about them, what motivates their work ethic, and what will improve their performance, and they will truly feel like they belong. 
Having a performance review every week, month, quarter, or even every year might be beneficial. It depends on the kind of team you have with them. For instance, a team of coders would require daily stand-up meetings, whereas other teams might only need to do them once a week.  

6. Partner with the right people.

Like in any other nation, the Philippines has subtleties when it comes to standards, protocols, and documentation for building an offshore staff. Choosing the ideal service will save you a lot of time and effort. But in addition to having excellent processes, the ideal provider should also have a safe IT environment and reliable hardware and software support. Finding a partner who aligns with your goals is crucial because they will form the foundation of your team’s offshore operation. 

If you’re looking for the right people to partner with to build your offshore team in the Philippines, GoTeam makes a remarkable choice. With headquarters located in Cebu City, they have been living true to their mission of helping businesses scale and being a catalyst for their people to exceed since 2014.

With GoTeam, managing a remote team in the Philippines need not be difficult. That’s because they give you the peace of mind that your offshore business is being run by locally based experts who are adept to a wide range of tasks that are not just limited to admin. Outsourcing to GoTeam gives you more dependability and better results, yet none of the hassles of setting up an offshore company yourself.

Discover what GoTeam can do to grow your business. Let’s build your own Philippine offshore team!

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