Tips for Jobseekers – GoTeam

Tips for Jobseekers – GoTeam

Your next, more remarkable career is here. 

If you’re looking for a great opportunity, look no further. GoTeam has a wide range of job openings that fit skills and qualifications of various different individuals. We may have a job opening for you! You’re welcome to take a look. 

Found something that piqued your interest? Kickstart your application today.

Here’s a simple 4-step guide to help you make the best out of your application with GoTeam.

Step 1: Create your profile on R24

How to create your profile on R24

R24 is our very own application portal, designed and built from scratch by our talented developers. R24 has everything you need to let our recruiters know everything about you—from your basic, personal information to educational background, to your employment experience, and special skills.  

It’s more than just an application portal. It’s a one-stop shop to help you get on our recruiters’ radars.  

Start creating your profile here. 

Pro tip: Be sure to jot down your username and password so you can get back into our recruitment system. 

Step 2: Pass your online assessment

How to pass your online assessment at GoTeam

Nothing says “I’m a great fit for this” that actually showcasing your skills through our online assessment. This takes only a couple of minutes and will let our recruiters know exactly what you are capable of so they can match you with the job opening that will be best for you. 

Pro tip: Use a desktop computer when you take this 4-part test. If you do run into any problems, please don’t hesitate to message us. If you’re having connectivity issues, try again at a later time when Internet traffic isn’t as congested. Take your assessment in a quiet, comfortable place to achieve the best results! 

Step 3: Upload your introduction video

How to upload your introduction video

What’s more relatable than speaking directly to our recruiters (and your clients) through a video introduction. Introduce yourself in a clear and concise manner, show up polished and ready to take on the world professionally.  

Pro tip: Make a great impression on potential clients. Record this in a quiet environment. 


Here are some tips for video recording.

Step 4: Prepare for your interview

How To Prepare For Your Interview - GoTeam

Recruiters will reach out to qualified applicants with 100% complete profiles. Make sure you complete yours.  

If you’re already at this stage, login here to check your profile and see if there’s anything you missed.  

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