Living the 7 Habits at GoTeam
Inspiring each team member to become better every day.

Achieving remarkable
Year after year, client after client, we have seen some remarkable breakthroughs by applying the principles of effectiveness.
Our CTO and Founder Matt Kesby is a former Execution Practice Leader for FranklinCovey and has taught the 7 Habits for more than decade. This wealth of knowledge is now being shared with all Team Members.

Free Trainings and Courses
Time spent learning is time never wasted.
At GoTeam, we find time to learn not only new skills for work, but to improve personal and professional practices as well so that we function at a highly effective paradigm.
Team members get a FranklinCovey All-Access Pass to help them build skills and life-changing habits with world-class solutions.
On Exceed Institute sessions, Matt talks about the Four Agreements and how we can apply them daily to enable us to rapidly transform our work and personal lives. The Four Agreements is a book by bestselling author Don Miguel Ruiz, and it talks about “the source of self-limiting beliefs that rob us of joy and create needless suffering.”
Discover You Sessions
During our monthly Discover You sessions with CEO Fiona Kesby, one of the seven habits is discussed. This is done so team members are reminded of these habits and allows them to practice the habits daily.
In addition, GoTeam acknowledges team members who embody the 7 habits. Clients, as well as leadership coaches, nominate team members for each of the seven habits.
- Habit 1: Be Proactive
- Habit 2: Begin with the End in Mind
- Habit 3: Put First Things First
- Habit 4: Think Win-Win
- Habit 5: Seek First to Understand, then to Be Understood
- Habit 6: Synergize

WIN:WIN Agreements
Following Habit 4, GoTeam implements the Win:Win Agreement. This helps GoTeam to drive behavior that is aligned with GoTeam’s core values, goals, and strategy. Apart from that, communication between team members and managers is improved by following the Win:Win agreement.
By practicing this, each team member is able to clarify job responsibilities and expectations, as well as enhance individual and group productivity. The Win:Win Agreement allows the team member to develop capabilities to their fullest extent through effective feedback and coaching.
7 Habits Live in Cebu
On June 20-21, 2022, the 7 Habits of Highly Effective People Signature Series 4.0 event was held in Cebu. The goal of the event was for participants to not only learn to be more effective, but also show how to use processes and tools to live and apply the 7 Habits every day.
We will be running another in-person event soon, so please keep an eye out for it so you don’t miss out.

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Find out your skills ft any of our current job openings.